Making Career Conversations Effective For You

Most organizations have performance management and career development discussions on a bi-yearly or yearly basis. In my work as a HR professional, I realised most staff do not make use of such session to actively seek feedback and align their aspirations with their organization. How many of us will plan before we go for a career discussion with our supervisor? Here are 3 common mistakes most staffs made: .

#1. I don’t have the time!
I hear staff complaining not enough time to attend such career and performance related discussion. In fact, such career discussions are extremely important to get feedback and directions from our supervisor on our career development in the organization. If we are passive and not driving such sessions, it is highly likely our views and aspirations will not be heard by the organization. Use such sessions as planning sessions for your own career and if your direct supervisor or company does not treat such session as important, it may be time to consider if the organization is right for your development!

#2. There’s no need to talk. My career is “Status Quo”
Some staffs feel that if they are happy with where they are, there is no need to talk about career development. Such thought is dangerous as no company owns anyone a living. Even doing the same job in the company takes effort! The question here is “are you employable?” Get feedback from your supervisor on how to continue value-adding to the organization, even if it means doing the same job! “A man’s work is in danger of deteriorating when he thinks he has found the one best formula for doing

it. If he thinks that, he is likely to feel that all he needs is merely to go on repeating himself . . . so long as a person is searching for better ways of doing his work, he is fairly safe.”

#3. Career Discussion? That’s only for high potentials!
It is a common belief that career discussion is useful only for the high potentials in the company. High potentials constitute only 10% to 15% of the workforce. It is even more important for the organization to harness and develop the 80% of the workforce. Staffs have growth on their heads, whether managers address it or not. Proactive staff will ask questions like “how can the company use my talents creatively?”, “how can I align my aspirations with the organization’s needs?” and “is this the role that best maximise my talents and skills?” ALL organizations have business needs to fulfil. However, we have the choice to take a proactive step to align your aspirations with the organization. Make use of the performance and career development discussions to continuously seek feedback on your performance and discuss your development plans with your supervisors. No organization owns us a job and we should take charge of our own career!