Wining Hearts & Minds
We believe the future-ready organisations and leaders will be those who can truly win the hearts and minds of their people! Creating cultures where people find joy in working, going beyond hitting targets for the organisations but having a sense of purpose and contribution to the wider community.

What Excites Us!
Harness the collective wisdom in your organisation and to co-create solutions that works

Going beyond coaching
frameworks and techniques:
Valuable as they are, structured tools aren’t necessarily the solution to lead in today’s fast moving VUCA world we operate in. Research shows effective leaders are more centered, composed and truly here now. What is key being a transformative change maker is to cultivate new habits in engaging in moment-to-moment introspection, conscious of one’s mental, emotional state and to respond in thoughtful ways.

Teng Teng & Diana Jean (DJ)
Host and coaches Teng Teng and Diana Jean (DJ) believe that what the world needs now are seeds of inner wisdom and resourcefulness. Through this podcast, both of them offer to plant the seeds of inner inquiry, seeds of reframing limiting beliefs and the seeds of love to help people get unstuck when faced with difficult challenges. Seeds Podcast is a pocket coach for bite-size transformational shifts, one seed at a time.